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维基媒体国际会议(Wikimania)是维基人一年一度的全球盛事,致力于协调世界各地的维基计划,其中包括维基百科,维基文库,维基教科书,维基新闻,维基共享资源,维基物种,维基词典,维基百科和MediaWiki。会议主要是为编辑人员,用户和开发人员提供聚会的机遇,以便能互相交流,畅叙心得。 这次会议会对公众开放,任何对维基计划有兴趣的人,如教育工作者、研究人员、程序员和自由文化迷均可参与,以便能更进一步地了解维基计划。 第七届年会的举办时间是2011年8月4日到7日,地点为位于以色列海法市的海法礼堂(Haifa Auditorium Complex)。欲了解更进一步的信息,请访问2011年会官方网站。
Wikimania 2011 will be a mix of submitted presentations, panels and workshops, open space meetings and lightning talks. Submissions will be reviewed and selected in advance by the program committee. Everyone is welcome to present in the open space track of the conference, regardless of whether they were accepted by the program committee.
- 2011年4月30日是研讨会,小组讨论和演讲的申请截止日期,
- '2011年7月15日‘您将会收到回复。
- 欢迎.
The effects of wiki culture on the community - a forum for discussing topics related to the cultural, communal, societal and demographic aspects of wiki culture and its interaction with the general public. Relevant topics include the following:
- Wiki Outreach: Promotion of wikis and Wikimedia projects among the general public;
- How will the wiki technology change the world in the future?
- Wiki Community: Conflict resolution and community dynamics; reputation and identity;
- Different Wiki cultures - clashes and effect between cultures in the wiki community - Can people of different cultural backgrounds create an encyclopedia according to common rules? Same subject in the eye of different cultures;
- Special: Wikipedia in the Israeli-Arab Conflict - can wikis be a tool for promoting cultural understanding and cultural acceptance in the Middle East; Wiki as a tool for cross-national and cross-cultural dialogue.
The Knowledge and Collaboration track aims to promote research and find exciting ideas related to knowledge and information management, as well as to collaboration and participatory projects.
- Wiki Content: New ways to improve content quality, credibility; and especially the use of the content in education, journalism, research;
- Semantic Wikis: The use of semantic web technologies, linked data; semantic annotation and metadata (in particular manual vs. automated approaches);
- Wikiversity and other wikis related to higher education: investigating ways of how wiki sources are deployed and implemented in academia and research practice, exchanging ideas for the improvement of collaboration in research institutions, universities and their contribution for the content quality;
- Wiki technology as an educational tool in school systems;
- Wiki as a tool for museums - management of information for the public benefit;
- Wiki technology as a tool of cultural preservation.
The Infrastructure and technology track at Wikimania will provide a forum where both researchers and practitioners can share new approaches, applications and technologies, and explore how to make Wiki access ever more ubiquitous:
- MediaWiki development: issues related to MediaWiki development and extensions;
- Moving beyond MediaWiki: what other Wiki-like platforms exist; what tools and features do we need for collaboration on different types of knowledge?
- Mobile Wikis: The Web is moving off the desktop and into mobile phones, how we use wikis on mobile devices?; wiki-based Augmented Reality (AR) applications, location based services
- User Interface Design: Usability and user experience; accessibility, adaptive interfaces and personalization; novel UI designs.
Wiki technologies may be operated in the multinational Level and various legal systems may apply to its usage. These legal systems may clash and contradict each other resulting in limits that are placed on the gathering of free knowledge within wiki systems and technologies. This track will explore these questions and suggest solutions:
- Copyright laws and wiki: conflicts between different laws that apply to the same wiki system simultaneously
- Copyright licenses, their applicability and their problems
- Legal problems in wiki practice: slander, anti defamation laws, right to privacy, biographies of living persons.
维基技术同样可应用于企业和媒体部门。 此议程讨论的是如何将维基系统化为一种有效的工具,如新闻媒体,知识整合和分享工具,并将之具体应用于商业上。
通过提交提案,您同意的录音文字对你的建议,你的演讲幻灯片和视频可以在任何条件下的分布式 知识共享署名/股,慈善机构 ,或兼容的许可证。 您还同意,根据许可证的条款,展示您的记录可能会现场直播,记录,并为以后下载。 如果你反对这些要求(例如,如果你不想被录音),请谈谈前一个程序委员会委员提交的提案。
如果您提交的是 不 添加的初步时间表,请不要气馁:2011年维基媒体国际大会参加者将有时间和预留参与者的时间表将在闪电会谈,并形成非正式的,自发组织的会谈和工作组。 你将有很多机会,使现场的主题提出的关于。
替换文本“[您的提案的标题]”下方的方块中的建议你的标题,然后点击“创建网页”。 你将被引导到一个不言自明的维基页面,您将不得不 保存 完成提交。
请查看本次年会提交的建议列表 。