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From Wikimania 2011 • Haifa, Israel

This is a tentative calendar.


  1. Airport => Haifa (Federman dorms) (Ben Gurion train station-Hof HaCarmel Station, 3.53-5.03 or 4.53-6.03; first bus to dorms 6.35-6.59 (timetable); no sleeping at all; Shrine of the Bab and Bahá'í gardens, German colony, Wadi Nisnas; Daliyat El-Carmel; Bat Galim 20.00-20.30 [1].
  2. Dev day or whatever (Niklas); departure at 6-7 to Caesarea (train from Haifa) and Tel Megiddo [2] (back to Haifa with bus that didn't come).
  3. Internal meetups; welcome party.
  4. Wikimania; then Acre, departure at about 19 from Haifa via train (no Filip);
  5. Wikimania; at evening/sunset Carmel district with Gan ha'Em (“Mother’s Park”) next to the venue then Louis Promenade from Yefe Nof, then "Step Tours" street to beach.
  6. Wikimania; including beach + closing party and dinner at the beach.
  7. Tours/Nazareth_and_the_Galilee [3].
  8. => Be'er Sheva to Avdat [4] 1-2 h then Mamshit 1-2 h [5] (Desert Cities in the Negev [6] night in Masada.
    Masada-Mamshit (444+991 10.15-11.35 but nothing on Saturday)? Then to Avdat (how? check bus 60) and from there to Be'er Sheva. Then bus 370 to Tel Aviv, 1.5 h (apparently also Saturday). Buses/road to Sde Boker and Mitspe Ramon: Be'er Sheva-Ovnat Branching/Ein Ovdat (Yellow Paz) [7] [?] [~80 min but no buses from 09:15 till 11:55??]. To Mamshit ~30 min from Be'er Sheva 1.5-hourly [no direct??]. To Masada ~1h direct 3-hourly but last proper trip 16 to 17 (390+444), from Be'er Sheva 2h 3-hourly last departing at 15... <-- Probably working only if starting from Haifa at 6. :-/
  9. sightseeing since sunset (or the day before?), about 3 h, then Dead Sea ([cheap] Ein Gedi beach) => Bethlehem; starting sightseeing [to be detailed, time quite strict]
  10. more sightseeing in Jerusalem
  11. more sightseeing in Jerusalem, Betlehem and similar close places, for instance [8]
  12. more sightseeing in Jerusalem
  13. [Saturday] more sightseeing in Jerusalem => Jaffa
    Possibility to rent bikes and visit the neighbourhoods (?).
  14. Jaffa; White City => airport and there until 5 am at least \o/