From Wikimania 2011 • Haifa, Israel
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destination: Tours/Nazareth and the Galilee
source update: 2010-08-31
Schedule subject to changes
- Itinerary:
- 8:00 Departure from Haifa
- 9:00 Nazareth - church of Annunciation and Miriam's fountain
- 10:30 Capernaum - home to one of the earliest churches in the world as well as an ancient synagogue, St Peter's home town
- 11:30 Mount of Beatitudes - The traditional site of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, with its beautiful view of the Sea of Galilee
- 12:30 Tabha – Place of Jesus' miracle of the Multiplication of the Fish and Loaves at the location is an ancient Byzantine church
- 13:30 Lunch
- 15:30: Yardenith – the baptismal site for pilgrims in Jordan River
- 18:30: Return to Haifa
Sea of Galilee
Jordan River