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Submissions/Collaborative Lesson Planning

From Wikimania 2011 • Haifa, Israel

This is an open submission for Wikimania 2011.

Review no.


Title of the submission
Collaborative Lesson Planning
Type of submission (workshop, tutorial, panel, presentation)
Author of the submission
Charles Jeffrey Danoff
E-mail address or username (if username, please confirm email address in Special:Preferences)
Charles Jeffrey Danoff on Wikiversity
Country of origin
Affiliation, if any (organization, company etc.)
Personal homepage or blog
Abstract (please use no less than 300 words to describe your proposal)

I would like to build off the presentation I gave at last year's Wikimania with the same title. It was mostly theoretical about how Collaborative Lesson Planning (CLP) could work. Since then I have done some actual work in the field. I have uploaded many of my own lesson plans to Wikiversity and my own teaching laboratory. Additionally I led a course in the fall on P2PU on CLP and am currently doing one now in Winter 2011. CLP in its ideal sense of teachers everywhere working together on like lesson plans to make them better is still a way off, but in my experiments the past year I have found some of what works and what doesn't and this presentation would be my way to share my findings.

Track (People and Community/Knowledge and Collaboration/Infrastructure)
Knowledge and Collaboration
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Slides or further information (optional)

Interested attendees

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  1. Arided 19:29, 31 January 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Hindustanilanguage 06:23, 1 March 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  3. Frank Schulenburg 16:24, 13 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  4. Sadads 22:02, 13 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  5. Vibhijain 12:46, 4 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  6. Amir E. Aharoni