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Getting to the Venue from Mount Carmel Hotel – Photographic Guide

From Wikimania 2011 • Haifa, Israel

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destination: Getting to the Venue from Mount Carmel Hotel – Photographic Guide

Directions to the Venue from Mount Carmel Hotel (Har HaCarmel)

A shuttle bus will be provided during the conference time. At other times, use public transportation to the Carmel Center, or walk to the venue (about 20 minutes walk):

Walk upwards on Derech Hayam Street, pass the intersection with Ilanot Street, and continue up hill.

Pass a circular square (and a Sundial) (The corner of Hazofim St.)

Continue uphill until you reach the intersection with Shoshanat HaCarmel St. (500 meters) - you will see stairs on your right.

Option 1 (shorter): Turn right to the stairs on your right.

Walk up the stairs, cuntinue additional 150 meters up hill. The venue will be on your left.

Option 2: (a bit longer) - Walk upwards on Derech Hayam Street until you reach the street lights at the intersection with HaNassi Ave. (about 550 meters)

Turn right, walk about 100 meters, the venue will be on your right.