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Address book/Transportation

From Wikimania 2011 • Haifa, Israel

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destination: Address book/Transportation
source update: 2010-08-24
   Venue and Area Codes      Emergency Addresses      Hotels and Dorms      Transportation      Israeli Embassies      Embassies in Israel      Local Sites  

See also Local transportation information


  • Ben Gurion Airport Information:
(Cell phones inside Israel Only:) *6663
Online Information about flights Schedules


  • Israel Rail Company:
(Cell phones inside Israel Only:) *5770
Train schedule
Train costs


  • Egged Bus Company Information Centre:
(Cell phones inside Israel Only:) *2800
Online information Centre


Carmel Center: +972-4-8382626
Matam: +972-4-8500550
Horev: +972-4-8888888
Neveh: +972-4-8222222
Amal: +972-4-8662324
Haifa Mall: +972-4-8500886
Romema: +972-4-8516767
Kababir: +972-4-8363622